Minnie Evans Famous African American Artist

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Minnie Evans (1892-1987)

Minnie Evans (1892-1987)

Minnie Evans was a visionary African American Artist. Minnie was born at Long Creek, North Carolina. Minnie’s mother was only 13 years of age when she had Minnie. Her maternal grandmother looked after Minnie. Minnie began drawing at a young age and had nightly visions or dreams of Gods, Angels and Spirits and with these Angels, Gods and Spirits she travelled and saw wondrous and experienced these sights. These dreams became real to her. Her dreams led to a lack of sleep and consequently her school work suffered. Around 1918 she left school and began working as a domestic for Mr and Mrs Pembrock James at their beautiful Estate, Pembrock Park. Minnie still had her visionary experiences. Her first drawings were created from these experiences. These drawings inspired from these dreams are in the Collection of American Art. In the 1940’s She developed her drawings into themes and styles such as gods eyes. A popular feature in Minnie’s art is the symmetrical, organic creations.

Lytton Strachey Portrait by Rebel Dora Carrington

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Dora Carrington 'Portrait of Lytton Starchey'

Dora Carrington ‘Portrait of Lytton Strachey’

Strachey was the most popular and loved male in Dora Carrington’s life. Strachey was a British writer and critic and founder of the Bloomsbury Group. Strachey was twice Carrington’s age. Strachey 36 years old and Carrington 18.  A physical and a sexual relationship was difficult for Lytton because of his feelings of inadequacy  and his attraction to homosexuality and for Dora Carrington being a woman was the feeling of inferiority. They became great friends  and were both members of the Bloomsbury group. When Strachey died in 1932, his death was unbearable to Carrington and her grief and love was so bad that she became suicidal. Carrington’s zest for life, love, fun, fantasy and adventure were recognized by Lytton Strachey as a young genius who was high-spirited and a talented female.

Dora Carrington (1893-1932) Famous 20th Century Female Artist

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Dora Carrington Self-Portrait 1916

Dora Carrington Self-Portrait 1916

Dora Carrington grew up in a conservative religious family. Dora was the second of two daughters and fourth of five children. Carrington adored her father and drew him obsessively. While Carrington attended Bedford High School her talent for drawing and painting were discovered. Samuel Carrington her father agreed to let Dora attend the Slade School in 1910. Henry Tonks the student’s art teacher referred to the class of art students, as a brood he had raised  and thought of them as rebellious. Dora Carrington became a popular figure in the art scene and possessed a dominating personality. Carrington was admired and attracted by several male friends. Her golden red hair bobbed and  large blue eyes and her sense of fun, fantasy and enchantment attracted men wanting affection, love, romance, sex and friendship.